Hello World
I'm Timea, Data Visualisation and Business Intelligence Developer based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Born in Hungary, raised and lived in multiple countries e.g. Brazil, Portugal and Italy. Mom of a rescued dog, design and fine arts enthusiastic, martial arts and latin dance fanatic. Avid solo traveller. My mission is to bring the beauty out of data and support women in data and tech, therefore I am delighted to be a co-lead of Data + Women Tableau User Group in the Netherlands.
Welcome to my space and platform!
My Story
"It's very hard to find people who can construct good statistical models, hack quality software, and relate this all in a meaningful way to business problems. It's a lot of hats to wear! These individuals are so rare that recruiters often call them “unicorns.” ..."
Data Science Handbook by Field Cady (Oreilly's)
Personally, I cannot count on my hand how many times I faced that the employer has unrealistic expectations. They want a data engineer, an analyst, project manager and a business savvy person who has excellent communication and technical skills. Additionally, knows Tableau,Power BI, SQL, Python, R, Javascript and a bit of AI.
I remember being anxious feeling how can I learn all of these above in one lifetime. Often I asked myself how I will ever fit in coming from different study field? It took some time for me to realize that I am a unicorn in my own right. I just changed the angle how I look at my job. Choose the path what interests you the most, follow your gut feelings. I found my way when I stopped comparing myself to others, today I can say that I am pretty good what I am doing.
I am here to support the #datafam, making sure that it's okay to be a beginner and show how to become your own unicorn. What makes us to stand out is the motivation and hunger for learning. As Simon Sinek said, "You don't hire for skills, you hire attitude as skills can be taught".
I studied economics, statistics and languages back in the University. My dream was to serve in the UN or in the foreign service. Once I got there, I felt it's just not right. I clearly remember I was 28 years old and decided to leave the job, the country and my family. I started all over again in a foreign country, back to beginner mode. Let me be your example that nothing is impossible, you will not regret pushing the reset button. No failures but lessons which undoubtedly are part of your success.
We are all in the dataviz community together, let's make it more diverse and open-minded.
Nonetheless, join me on the journey of creating dazzling dashboards!